From Big Tech to Big Law: perspectives on new horizons for generative AIIf you are skeptical about the nebulous field of Responsible AI or think that regulation only slows down innovation, this blog post is for…Dec 29, 2024Dec 29, 2024
The AI Social LicenseA short story about an artifact from a possible future world, exploring a science fiction approach to interrogating the present state of…Jan 12, 20241Jan 12, 20241
Trustworthy AI futures: reflections from being a Mozilla Fellow in 20232023 was a milestone year for my work and presented me with a transformative shift in my ability to make sense of the rapidly evolving AI…Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
What The Zoom Controversy Teaches Us About AI and ConsentA blog post about the challenges to informed consent in AI; the risks of dark design patterns; and what to do about it.Aug 10, 2023Aug 10, 2023
Published inData & Society: PointsA New Framework for Coming to Terms with AlgorithmsReflections on terms of service, gender equity, and chatbotsMay 24, 20233May 24, 20233
Reimagining consent and contestability in AIWhat if we could leverage this moment in time to resist and refuse optimizing AI for the common use cases and instead welcome the pluralityFeb 8, 2023Feb 8, 2023
Understanding friction in the context of using AI to support human decision-makersBeyond improving the AI systems themselves, we point to the need to think critically about the affordances of the interface through which…Nov 18, 2022Nov 18, 2022
Trustworthy AI’s Sense of PlaceAloha ʻĀina was the message in activist and educator Dr. Jamaica Osorio’s reflections on what it means to have a sense of place. The…Nov 15, 2022Nov 15, 2022
Improving transparency in AI by exploring new avenues for human feedback, robustness and…Being part of Mozilla Foundation has propelled me in working on something that wasn’t in any way possible to explore within industry orSep 23, 2022Sep 23, 2022
Reflecting on the “Sociotechnical Approaches to Governing AI” workshop at the Technical University…Being obsessed with feedback loops has been an expansive journey for me …Jun 5, 2022Jun 5, 2022